
Why the new Instagram algorithm is old news



Okay, so everyone has heard the news by now…

Instagram will be switching over to an algorithm based system to display posts. So, instead of sorting your feed chronologically, it will be sorted by what is calculated to be “most relevant” to your taste. We all remember when Facebook did that… and small business organic reach tanked. On average, 5% of your Facebook fans will see your posts without paying for them to be boosted. Now that Instagram (which is now owned by Facebook, let’s not forget) has decided this new route, panic has ensued.

The Titanic may as well be sinking again, by the looks of it. You may have seen posts begging you to “Turn on post notifications” to ensure your favorite Instagrammers will stay in your feed. Which also means, you will get a push notification whenever they post anything. And you may want to scramble to do that, too – but here is why NOT to freak out.

If people already like and comment on your photos, they will continue to see them. The people who never interact with you anyway, will most likely not see your posts at the top of your feed. Notifications are nasty little distractions – don’t risk annoying your loving followers by automatically pushing your content in their phones and faces twice a day. Que sera, sera – what will be, will be. Take the change in stride, and keep creating and posting content the same way you did before.

The good news – you don’t have to do anything!

Sit back, relax, and take this as a lesson on how to roll with the punches.




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also known for the epic #lmselfie


fter 13 years in business, I've made it my mission to serve couples with the most easeful, professional, elevated, and organized wedding experience possible.

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ith 12+ years of business knowledge and experience under my belt, I’ve made it my mission to teach and empower creatives and help them navigate the varying seasons of entrepreneurship with clear direction, actionable steps, and no fluff.

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