
Go big or go home: How to stand out in a saturated market




Everyone wants to be remembered. Whether it’s the greatest football player of all time, or the woman with the biggest Cabbage Patch doll collection, notoriety is something our culture strives for. But in this digital age, with such great market saturation, how do we go about doing that

Answer: Go big or go home. 

I’m a wedding photographer. Pretty saturated market, am I right? Odds are, I’m not going to become the next Ansel Adams or Annie Liebowitz (the only two photographers that non-photographers can name). But, I may stand out being a wedding photographer obsessed with bubble tea. I don’t like bubble tea – I’m OBSESSED with it. I get DM’s and tags from people I don’t know saying “Saw this and thought of you!” Complete strangers – because that’s what I’m known for.

So what’s your thing?

Are you a florist obsessed with apple pie and old jazz records? Congrats, that’s now your THING! It’s not enough just to be a florist. There are a sea of florists out there. How will people remember you? How will you stand out, regardless of your work?

Whatever you do, drive the point home in a big way. We all know the photographer who shot wedding photos in Target because she’s obsessed with Target (and attracts clients who are, too). When I think about brunch, I think about photographer Juliette Laura, because she’s made brunch her THING. When I see mint colored kitchen decor at Marshall’s, I can’t NOT think of Katelyn James and her signature color.

Put it in your Instagram bio, post about it, make it totally encompassing. If gummy bears are your thing, your client will think of you every time they walk down the candy aisle of the grocery store. Association. Repetition. Rinse. Repeat.

And THAT, my friends, is effective branding.


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also known for the epic #lmselfie


fter 13 years in business, I've made it my mission to serve couples with the most easeful, professional, elevated, and organized wedding experience possible.

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ith 12+ years of business knowledge and experience under my belt, I’ve made it my mission to teach and empower creatives and help them navigate the varying seasons of entrepreneurship with clear direction, actionable steps, and no fluff.

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